Here are some of the most Frequently Asked Questions we receive at Central Texas Feline Recue.
If you can’t find the answer your are looking for below, please contact us with any additional questions you have.
If you can’t find the answer your are looking for below, please contact us with any additional questions you have.
01. Who is Central Texas Feline Rescue?
We are a non-profit organization that specializes in the control of stray and feral cat colonies. We work and advocate for the benefits of trap, neuter and release programs as a humane and responsible way to control cat populations. Our volunteers feed and manage over 130+ stray and feral cats.
02. How many volunteers do we have?
Currently, we have over 30+ volunteers that feed 7 days a week / 365 days a year.
03. How many feeding stations do you have?
Our feeding stations fluctuate depending on how many cat colonies we come across. Currently, we have 14 total stations. However, we’ve had as many as 20. Each station may often feed as many as 6 to 10 cats.
04. How much food do you use in a year?
With over 130 plus cats to feed, we use about 8,500 lbs of food a year. We run exclusively on donations from individuals and corporations. If you'd like to help us feed these kitties, please take a moment and visit our donations page.
05. I see you offer adoptions from time to time, how can I adopt one of those cats?
Thank you so much for your interest in adopting one of our kitties! Please take a moment to fill out our Adoption Form. Once completed, please email it to [email protected].
We will be in touch within 24 to 48 hours to discuss your application with you.
We will be in touch within 24 to 48 hours to discuss your application with you.
06. What is a feral cat?
A cat born and raised in the wild, or who has been abandoned or lost and reverted to wild ways in order to survive, is considered feral. While some feral cats tolerate a bit of human contact, most are too fearful and wild to be handled.
Ferals often live in groups, called colonies, and take refuge wherever they can find food, such as rodents, other small animals, and garbage. They will also try to seek out abandoned buildings, deserted cars, even dig holes in the ground to keep warm in winter months and cool during the summer heat.
Ferals often live in groups, called colonies, and take refuge wherever they can find food, such as rodents, other small animals, and garbage. They will also try to seek out abandoned buildings, deserted cars, even dig holes in the ground to keep warm in winter months and cool during the summer heat.
07. What is the difference between a stray and a feral cat?
A feral cat is typically born and raised in the wild, or who has been abandoned or lost and reverted to wild ways in order to survive. A feral cat will not attempt to interact with or be in close contact with humans. If a human approaches, like any wild animal, they will run away.
A stray cat is a cat that has been in close contact with humans and had been abandoned or lost. These cats are often friendly and will interact with humans when approached.
A stray cat is a cat that has been in close contact with humans and had been abandoned or lost. These cats are often friendly and will interact with humans when approached.
08. There are some feral cats in my yard/neighborhood. Should I call Animal Control?
In most cases animal authorities in Austin and Round Rock do not respond to calls about feral or homeless cats, simply because they lack the resources to deal with every case. Feral cats that do end up at public shelters must be euthanized, as the vast majority of them can never be tamed and adopted out. Calling Animal Control is unlikely to solve your feral cat problem.
09. I’ve been feeding feral cats in my yard, but their numbers are growing.
What should I do?
What should I do?
Please give us a call, so we can start trapping and spaying/neutering as soon as possible. Uncontrolled cat populations will quickly balloon out of control if measures are not taken to stop procreation. The Austin Humane Society has a low-cost feral cat spay-neuter clinic that we utilize each week.
10. A stray or feral cat has just had a litter of kittens on my property. What should I do?
A stray or feral cat’s kittens can usually be tamed if the socialization begins early. Taming a feral kitten and finding it a home is the best way to ensure that it will have a long, healthy life, free of struggle and hunger. The Feral Cat League has good tips for socializing kittens on their webpage. Be sure to get the kittens’ mother spayed.
11. Cats are digging up my lawn/garden. What can I do to deter them?
A combination of nontoxic cat repellants and TNR will help you coexist with neighborhood feral cats and save your yard. We can help you!
There are many ways to get involved and to help save cats lives. Here are just a few: